Complete service with quality products
It is the aim of WSDS to be a trusted source for servicing our client’s needs quickly, efficiently and with the minimum of stress. To this end we have a team of highly trained professionals who strive to make every project, large or small, run to budget efficiently and professionally.
Add to all our services the fact that we listen and act on our client’s needs and requirements by offering extended warranties and a contact facility 7 days a week, as we believe a verbal contact is still the best way to communicate. A quick approach method to our team or one of the directors is paramount.
It takes years to build a good professional relationship with a client and minutes to lose it. WSDS listen-think-act in our client’s best interest at all times.
WSDS offers a complete service which includes design, CAD space planning, product research and strong partnerships with Europe’s leading manufacturers. WSDS has created a unique service which caters for each of our client’s specific needs. This has been proven by the fact that in 2007 we launched our services into Europe and in 2008/09 received four major contracts.
Our philosophy of working and listening to our clients has allowed WSDS to give a range of services that ensure total satisfaction.